Cokin原廠A系列Digital Shoe Holder 數位相機套座(A300)
Cokin原廠A系列Digital Shoe Holder 數位相機套座




Digital Shoe Holder - A Series
Adjustable holder that attaches
to the tripod socket in the base
of your camera and positions
the filter-holder in front of your
lens.The screw slides along the
grooves of the Shoefilter-holder
so as to allow correct positioning
underneath the camera.
The filter-holder mounts must
be correctly positioned facing
the lens so as to work properly
once the filters are inserted.
Then, once you have found the
ideal position for the Holder,
tighten the screw underneath
the camera tripod socket


  Cokin高堅P Series系統濾鏡介紹

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產品資訊 品牌: Cokin           型號:A300
訂購編號:#A9398     條碼/廠家型號 :F #A300
銷售情形 產品已暫停銷售/停止銷售/停產
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超商貨到取貨付款 更新時間:2012/9/24 上午 11:02:00


