Think Tank Photo( 創意坦克 )Thin Skin Belt - M 腰帶(SB032)
Think Tank Photo( 創意坦克 )Thin Skin Belt - M 腰帶

輕量化 比較薄

適用於Pixel Racing Harness、Skin Set與Modular Set系列

Skin Belt™
Lightweight and unpadded waist belt allows you to Rotate or Lock Skin or Modular components.


Belt is unpadded and lightweight
Secure buckle snaps closed
Plastic triglides fix the length
Pixel Racing Harness can be attached
Skin & Modular components Rotate or Lock on belt

Compatible With:
Pixel Racing Harness
All Skin components
All Modular components

Belt Sizes:
Small: 27吋 – 32吋 (69 – 81 cm)
Medium: 32吋 – 36吋 (81 - 91 cm)
Large: 35吋 – 41吋 (89 – 104 cm)
Extra Large: 41吋 – 64吋 (104 – 162 cm)

本產品已暫停 / 停止銷售(生產)

產品資訊 品牌: ThinkTankPhoto           型號:SB032
訂購編號:#A5810     條碼/廠家型號 :F #874530000324
銷售情形 產品已暫停銷售/停止銷售/停產
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超商貨到取貨付款 更新時間:2012/8/21 下午 03:22:00


