義大利MANFROTTO曼富圖 350MVB 專業型錄影三腳架
Tandem aluminium legs combine with a 100 mm half bowl attachment.
Features include high tensile tubular aluminium legs with one step leg angle
positioning system (21°). Legs can be adjusted within a 180° arc to other
angle by using a mid level spreader 531SPRB and 530SPRB combined with a set
of spike foot shoes 565 in case of unlevelled ground or by using a floor
spreader code 165MV. Legs can be locked to any height by a quick lever leg
locks and stainless steel fittings. Twin spiked feet are standard.
收合長度: 95cm
最低高度: 90cm
最大的高度: 151cm
最大承載: 20kg
球型底座: 100mm
建議使用的支撐架: 350SPRB-530SPRB
建議使用的止滑板: 165MV
建議使用的輪座: 114MV-181B
重量: 4.9kg