日本Cube-works無聊系USB Chameleon(橘子色,公司貨)(USB Chameleon ( Orange ) )
日本Cube-works無聊系USB Chameleon(橘子色,公司貨)

CUBE WORKS 日本設計玩具人偶布娃娃製造公司,當中所設計PC GADGET系列產品結合玩具與電腦週邊,不但顛覆了一般傳統USB給人只有外型的印象,又再加上動作與幽默的元素著實會讓人發出會心的一笑。


Chameleon USB蜥蜴


日本原裝進口  合法授權  公司貨正品  送禮最佳選擇




USB Chameleon (Light Green) 13cm
USB Chameleon (Blue) 13cm
USB Chameleon ( Orange ) 13cm
The hand, the foot, and the tail move freely. Chameleon's arms,
Eyes turn at once when the power supply is turned on from USB, and the tongue goes out.
The chameleon which lives in the personal computer.

Requirement: A personal computer with a USB port. This product is compatible with any OS

Your Chameleon rolls its eyes and sticks out its tongue!

With its bendable arms, legs and tail, you can place your Chameleon anywhere you want.
When it ' s connected to a USB port, it will randomly roll its eyes and stick its tongue.
You can use it with any personal computer with a USB port.

Light Green Blue Orange
Take a look at the movie! → MOVIE ICON
How to operate

USB Chameleon (Light Green) 13cm
USB Chameleon (Blue) 13cm
USB Chameleon ( Orange ) 13cm

The hand, the foot, and the tail move freely. Chameleon's arms,
Eyes turn at once when the power supply is turned on from USB, and the tongue goes out.
The chameleon which lives in the personal computer.

Requirement: A personal computer with a USB port. This product is compatible with any OS

Your Chameleon rolls its eyes and sticks out its tongue!

With its bendable arms, legs and tail, you can place your Chameleon anywhere you want.
When it ' s connected to a USB port, it will randomly roll its eyes and stick its tongue.
You can use it with any personal computer with a USB port.

Light Green Blue Orange



本產品已暫停 / 停止銷售(生產)

產品資訊 品牌: cube-works           型號:USB Chameleon ( Orange )
訂購編號:#A6997     條碼/廠家型號 :F #USB Chameleon ( Orange )
銷售情形 產品已暫停銷售/停止銷售/停產
適用機種 按下這裡列出全部推薦使用機種
購物須知 版面有限,在網路上找不到的,可直接提出問題,如果妳不確定是否適用妳的機器,可將使用機型於訂購時備註中註明,由本公司代為確認。如果有價格的問題,歡迎使用買貴通報
如何指定訂購 產品規格(顏色)
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更新時間:2011/8/22 下午 03:04:00


